It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



My walk in the morning and evening seem shorter than they used to. I really doubt they are going any more quickly or taking any less time. They do seem shorter. Surely, it is all in my head.

Every day there is more and more trash hidden in the grass. I find myself kicking old bits of wood, cans, watter bottles and just plane junk out of the way for the path. I find myself wanting to kick it in the road so the drivers have to deal with it instead of me. That would be a bad thing to do so I do not. I guess I'm just a good person at heart. Something like that anyway.

What kind of person throws something out the window of their car thinking it is just gone? They must know that another person, perhaps many, are going to have to deal with it after them. Surely they know that they are contributing just that bit more evil to the world.

Do you suppose cave dwellers littered, or threw extra or broken bits of things on the ground near their movements, in good times in order to leave useful bits lying around for lean times? Perhaps there is some kind of history to littering. Perhaps back in cave dweller days, when everything was made about one step from nature to product that sort of attitude worked. I mean, things were made from bits of plants, stone and animals. Products fell back in to nature without much disruption to the environment most of the time.

The grass is going to need mowing along that strip soon. Even with the drought over the past year, the plants have thrived. It frightens me how much garbage is going to be left behind after the mowing. It is going to look like a dump.

There is a dead cat one one of the paths. I've blogged about it before and how It appears to me like someone moved it. The cat is in a state of decay. The body has lost all shape and flattened. The bones have been stamped by passers. The body is in the open, but in the dark, there is no way to see it. It was a black cat after all. That may have contributed to it being hit in the first place.

I've tripped over the litter. It happens all the time. The ground that I walk on every day is an easement. Utility lines are under that area. It gets dug up at one point or another at least once a year. There is no chance of putting in a sidewalk for this reason. The ground is chewed up and very uneven. This makes it difficult enough. I do not look forward to the next rain. The ground has cracked and moved to a ridiculous degree. The plants have grown high in some spots and abandon the path where people place their feet. This means soupy tangled muddy waller to get through.

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