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Euro troubles

European governments are freaking out that the economy in Europe. "We need more power to make things right." This is the battle cry. They are calling it the Eurozone Crisis. We all know what the favorite saying of modern politicians is right? "Never let a crisis go to waist." I don't hear any one saying the size of government needs to be controlled. No one is shouting loud enough for me to hear that regulation of the government needs to be put in place. At least I hear people saying these things in the U. S.. Not sure what will come of it.

What were they thinking when they drew all these nations together? Of course things would get tough at some point and the nations with the money would have to cover their bills. That was inevitable. It is happening now and they call it a crisis.

Germany is the one paying for it. No one else has even the shadow of the economic juggernaut of Germany. France is not so far behind, but the rest are hangers on to Germany. Germany has spend the last decade killing themselves getting their financial world in order. Their financial situation is not all that bad. "Why are we paying every other country's bills?" keeps being heard.

People are asking how to kick a country out of the Euro. Are all Euros the same? Some say watch out for Euros that have specific characters in their serial numbers because they were printed in specific countries. Is a Euro a Euro no matter what?

On a slightly different note, Europe is happy to criticize Libya for cutting people off from Twitter and other social media in order to prevent people from communicate and coordinate attacks on the government. Europe also noticed how effective this is. Now several European countries including the U. K. are considering similar laws about cutting off internet and other communication whenever the hell the government feels like it during a crisis. Will this include criticize of the government. I hear the Chinese are happy to say "I told you so." on this subject.

It already happened in San Fransisco. They killed WiFi in a transit station.

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