It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Some bats have adapted so that their legs will hold their weight while hanging, but not while standing.

I tried the audio typing option on my phone. It kind of works. It does not comprehend sentences or pauses. It does not capitalize the start of a sentence. Names confuse it. There is so much editing involved that it is just faster to type what I wanted in the first place. I'm getting just a bit better with the keyboard. Not any faster, but there is a bit less editing per sentence.

Hey, ctrl-d copies the current line down in Notepad++. Who knew?

Back in the day, I thought Kelly was a girl's name. My middle name is Michael. I went by Mike for a couple years in high school. I switched back to Kelly when I went to my second semester of collage because everyone is named Mike it seems. At the company I'm with now, we have two of us named Kelly and one Michael. At one point a couple years ago, we had three people named Kelly and no one named Mike. I do not turn my head when he gets paged.

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