It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Technically, they never ended the first Korean War. There has been some kind of ceasefire for the last couple decades.

There are nukes on both sides. The U. S. has went an aircraft carrier with nukes aboard to the region. The Japanese are flipping out. The Chinese are generally pissed off at every one involved. This part of the world is about to hit the fan.

Obama needs a war. Once a ware is going on, all the taxes and lost pensions will be put aside for watching our troops die every night on the evening news in a war in a place that no one gives a shit about. "Oh, by the way, your taxes are doubled and the government just stole 95% of your retirement and handed it all over to a bunch of banks that technically, don't even exists in any country anywhere. Good night."

Stories are out that talk about how sympathetic South Korean's are to North Koreans. Some believe the situation in North Korea is not the fault of the populous. I disagree. It has been a generation. The people in the palaces are not the one firing the mortars.

So, what do I think will happen next? More bullshit followed by even more bullshit, followed by a war. Sometimes I wonder if the U. S. is provoking South Korea. I can't prove anything. It just smells like Obama's war to me. I really hope I'm wrong.

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