It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Sick. Feel much better now. Would never have made it through work. Wonder if anything cool happened.

Adam called me from work wanting to know where one of our servers got to. It was moved for heat purposes.

I woke up at the normal time. Felt like crap. Took a shower and felt even worse. I've been trying to self medicate. My symptoms are swollen glands, sore throat, cough, lots of phlegm. I'm sick. I popped some pills and went back to bed. Got up some time after 15:00.

I had a funny dream last night. I was walking down a street. There was some funky kind of car running down the street in a slow manor. It was tall, but all windows. It rolled over on tit's side. As we, me and some other guy, tried to push the vehicle on it's wheels, a tiger climbed out of the back. People, including myself scattered. Of course, being my dream, the tiger came after me. It was not running, but walking. I walked away thinking to myself "Why wasn't I videoing this? I reached in my pocket and grabbed my camera. Started videoing behind me.

I woke up. Rather than being happy that there was no tiger following me, I was pissed that I had no video of the event.

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