It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Briton is talking about a tax on collage degrees. What the fuck are these fools thinking? Oh, please, prevent people from obtaining the slip of paper that will 5allow them to be more productive. Goddammit! Has the planet gone crazy? Do they want people stupid and uninformed?

In the U. S., we are about to provide health care to people who cannot afford it. People who could afford it before, but can't after the change will be fined. People who are rich will still get better care. All members of government who matter, have say in decisions, are exempt from the rules.

People in Australia are being told they have no right to speak against the government. Some folks there say one cannot live as a human being and follow all the rules. It is normal to just blow off some of the draconian nanny-state dribble and just live.

A soldier in Texas who was diploid, lost his $100,000 plus home to a home owner's association over a debt under $2000. If you owe an HOA $0.01, they can take your house away from you and sell it at auction. They can fine you for what ever rule they think is fitting to create. There are no appeals and no binding arbitration available for recourse.

The national government of the U. S. refuses to defend the borders of our country in order to encourage an influx of immigrants who are highly likely to vote for future members of the current party in power. The borders are being held hostage.

So many Chinese love the Chinese government. Most Chinese think the great firewall of China is a wonderful thing. They feel great about being walled in a safe garden. Why else do you have a government except to defend your virtual and physical borders from invasion? Bad people and bad knowledge are bad things. Keep them out. They have drunk the coo laid in my book. I wander if this blog is available in China. China is doing research on stem cells. They make everything in the world it seems. They don't bother with too much research, just steel someone else's patents and tell the world government to go jump in a lake. Maybe they have it right.

Cap And Triad will run the price of everything through the roof. Everything that lives, breaths, moves, and makes anything will have to pay this tax. it is a way to tax air. This is an international effort to tax air. Carbon dioxide is now a pollutant. The thing you exhale when you breath is now a pollutant and will eventually be taxed in the name of Cap And Tax. Wait and see.

There is a moratorium on offshore oil drilling in the Gulf of Mexico for no frigging reason. Oh, they say it is in the name of safety. I believe that it to punish red states for believing in conservative morals and voting for Republicans. But then, I believe a lot of things.

What do the elite's of the world know? It is as though the entire planet has ganged up against conservative, God fearing people. Does every person on the planet believe that someone who thinks differently than they is out to get them? Has world communication made it possible for mass hysteria on a scale not know in history? We talk to one another. We communicate. We find out that people want different things from each other. We reject those wants. We feel that we have to fight to keep what we have. Throw in a global economic slow down and you have anarchy.

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