It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



Why are sales of homes bouncing again? We are in another slump. In 2006, new home construction made up 6% of GDP. Now it makes up about 2%. People are watching their value vanish. They are watching their job prospects dry up. I cannot blame them for holding off on a huge purchase like house. People are not stupid. They know that failing to renew a tax cut will take money out of their pocket.

There is a hardened Android phone on Sprint. Looks pretty cool. It is expensive, but it won't go down with the first drop of rain. I picture trying to find a bus rout online in the rain.

BP has lost 70,000,000,000 of worth since this whole oil spill. They are selling 30,000,000,000 Worth a assets to help cover the losses. They are still going to focus on deep sea oil. Gas stations will probably be known by Amoco instead of BP in the future.

Started a huge box for scrap parts. These are parts that are to be tossed/recycled. There are two 3.5 inch drives in that box. This will not stand for long. That huge box will not be enough in a couple weeks I bet.

Everr drempt this man? I'm telling you, this looks like my friend Ken at work.

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