It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Hurricane Alex

This was a strange one. Alex always kind of looked like he was headed for the south Texas north Mexico area. There was a moment early on they were saying it was unlikely, but possible for Alex to turn toward Louisiana. Some part of me always wanders if they just throw those in to cover their ass.

We got some odd rain patterns. Normally, you could set your watch by the rain coming in at about 16:00 in the afternoon on summer days in west Houston. Alex brought the rain later, but harder. The downpours were merciless. They brought cold winds and tons of lightening. I didn't hear anything about tornadoes, but the clouds sure looked like they were ready to pass a few twisters out for good measure.

I actually signed up for one of the text weather alerts. I got about ten text messages keeping me up on how to stop the text messages, get help and wind speed. It did tell me when and where Alex made landfall. I was waiting for the "It turned north. Head for the hills." but it never came thankfully.

This reminds me that all sorts of communications were cut off in the last hurricane we had. We lost power and couldn't make mobile phone calls or use internet on our phones for days. However, texting still seemed to work.

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