It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Geek Rant

I had to download open suse. It comes in DVD ISO files. That's great. The files are 4.1 gigabytes each. No big deal except the 16 gig USB drive is formated FAT32. The biggest file you can have in this antique FS is one full byte short of 4 gigabytes.

Piece of cake. just format the USB drive in NTFS and go. ... but Windows XP will not let me do such a useful thing. It is just not available in the list of FS types. As a matter of fact, only FAT32 is in the 'list'. Is that a list? Is it a choice if you have the choice of This or nothing?

Two minutes after booting a box up using the Ubuntu 9.something CD I'm formating my USB key as a 16 gigabyte NTFS drive. At least Windows XP will mount the USB drive using NTFS. They are not that inept.

Take the ten minutes to copy the two files over to the USB drive. Have to use Ubuntu again to copy them off. Takes half an hour to get the files on the network and then back on to the machine I'm going to use to burn it. Burn it. Boot it. and corruption.

Something is wrong with the image. BAH!!!!!!!

Punted to the IT department. You try it.

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