It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

There is a plan to raise Venus 30 cm over the next 10 years. It will cost billions of course. Doesn't everything that makes the news any more? How much is that per mm? Is it worth it? How high will the sea get over the next ten to twenty years?

What a long day. I got some things done in one day that surprised me. I thought I would fail at a coding task today in the allotted time. I managed to squeeze it in and make the nightly builds in time. I even found and fixed an unrelated bug in my own code. I hate that. I realized something would not work the way I needed it to as I was going over the code in the new area.

You know those Mac commercials. Ya, I'm sick of them. They were interesting for the first couple of years. Now they are droll.

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