It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

One of the podcasts was talking about Swine flue in Briton. The numbers are still going up, but there will be a dip before flue season kicks in and things get bad. They guy said "figures" and I swear I heard "piggers". It woke me up first thing in the morning.

There are people who are intelligent, yet refuse to believe in natural selection. This thought makes me cringe. The human race is doomed to a forever existence of ignorance. We will never move on mass forward until there is a divergence of genetics and something different, beyond humans makes the move. We must evolve past our present form to evolve.

The compass application on my G1 phone (Android) has suddenly gotten much more reliable after two close updates in the last week or so. One said something about reverting the library. That turned out to be a good thing. The next seemed to make it even better. The sensor in the phone sucks, but the little app seems to make up for it in software. The compass in the speedometer program still blows. They need a GPS heading mechanism instead of or along side a magnetic reading. maybe that is in the pay version. I'm strictly on the free path for the moment. 

With the ways my eyes work, I watched a sealing fan flicker in the spoon in my glass of tea. No one else can say they see it the way I do. After I stare for a moment the world fads and all around goes grey. The only thing in the world is the sealing fan in the spoon.

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