It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • In the UK, the top bracket went up to 50%. The number of people who qualify for this bracket is estimated to drop by enough people to result in a net loss for the government.
  • Had some Pu fans go bad at work. It reminds me how paranoid you can make a geek when you ask them if their CPU fans are turning. Sometimes the answer is no.
  • I ordered a new 22 inch monitor. It is Dell brand name. It was under $200. it even has a DVI connector. I'm not in to wonderful graphics, but I cannot bring myself to survive with a still plunking-away 17 inch 4x5 monitor. I officially need a wide 16x9 screen. I've gotten used to it.
  • Delphi (a huge GM parts supplier) will be forcibly bought out by an equity firm being funded by American taxpayer money. It would have been cheaper to nationalize GM and all their dying suppliers.
  • Someone interviewing a recent graduate asked what being in so much debt was all about. The answer was something like "It must be like smoking in the 1940s, before all those reports came out telling how bad it was."
  • Watched Friday the 13th part whatever, made in 3d in 2009. It was the same frigging movie again. I should have passed.
  • Nat is busy taking and making her own "How well do you know me?" test across the room . Whatever keeps her off the streets I suppose.

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