It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Missing Dreams

How many people have a pen and piece of paper by the bed to record their subconscious opinion on the matter of their lives? how many cures for cancer or devices for faster than light travel have been blown off? how many workable plans for world peace and answers to hunger have vanished before morning when a scrawl might have survived groggy morning rituals?

I do not keep a pad or pen by the bed. I do not wake up with recognizable things in my head. My ideas come when I'm daydreaming or doing something else. My ideas come while my mind is occupied or very busy running away from itself and the day's troubles.

It is easy for me to daydream. It just comes to me naturally. I wish I could channel that creative energy in to something constructive. Well, not so much constructive as Financially rewarding. Well, both.

Sometimes I'll daydream about some normal sounding boring situation and something really interesting will happen or something funny. It is satisfying. Sometimes I'll crack myself up. Sometimes an answer to a hard question will pop in or an idea that is good. I miss when I can't think in abstract terms. When I'm tired, I can't daydream. It takes energy. If I'm hungry I cannot daydream.

Once in a very important while, I find that magic. That magic that lets me daydream on queue, on subject, on my terms.These moments are precious. I wish to teach myself to control my daydreams. Since I started trying to control my daydreams I've caught myself controlling my dreams without even really trying. This tels me the two are related. That is another blog entry.

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