It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Automatic amule links and other stuff

It took me a something like an hour and a half to get ed2k links to work in Firefox under Linux. I've tried this before, with no luck. This time I finally got them to work. It took three tries and abandoning several links that I took a while to look up.No biggy.

I was at home sick today. You know, the next door neighbour plays his music loud when his mother is not around. How childish. I wonder if she boxes his ears when she catches him.

It took four plus hours to go to the doctor and get some medicine from CVS. I came home and crashed for a bit. Then I was woken up by, what is that word to describe children who stay home long past the time they are supposed to leave the nest? I don't remember. Anyway, his music woke me up. The dope medicine I'm on makes me a bit loopy so I will not be taking it during work.

I did call AT&T today to attempt to get my DSL connection set up to the next notch. It turns out we are on the highest notch for our area. It says 3GB, but I just don'e believe it. I ran a couple throttle pages adn they all reported over 2GB most of the time. Dang-it. I want more!

Hang on, I think one of the episodes finished.

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