It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I just might vote for McCain/Patin

I gave the example of Richard Nixon.  He did virtually everything Democrats wanted.  He got us out of Vietnam -- by withdrawing in defeat.  He hugged Mao Zedong, the greatest mass murderer in history, in public.  He imposed wage and price controls.  He gave us OSHA and the EPA.  His EPA chief then outlawed DDT, letting millions around the world die defenseless against malaria.  He appointed Justice Blackmun to the Supreme Court, who went on to author Roe v Wade.  He increased government spending to support a growing welfare state.

And what did conservatives get for all that?  A Republican President resigning in disgrace, a sweep of Democrats in Congress, oil price shocks, a recession, President Jimmy Carter, our enemies emboldened abroad and a political albatross that hangs around the necks of Republicans to this day.


If McCain were trying to morph the Republican Party into Democrat-Lite, I would not vote for him.  He could have demonstrated that by picking a Vice President like Joe Lieberman.  Nothing wrong with Joe, but he's not a Republican.  He thinks life is improved through government programs.  Republicans think government usually is the problem, not the solution.

But McCain did not pick Joe Lieberman or anyone like that.  He picked Sarah Patin.

And that changed everything.

Between things like the above post and my current candidate pissing me off lately. I just might bring my stubby little pencil around and bubble in the Republican ticket. It would save me the trouble of figuring out how to write someone's name in or vote for Bullwinkle or something along those lines. I'm sick of the election. I'm looking for an excuse to make it easier on myself to decide one way or the other. Once one makes a decision, the lack of wanting to change may be as much do to 

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