It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



My handwriting is a nightmare.  I might as well not write stuff down. That is the print. The cursive is nonexistent. I found a note pad in one of the labs this morning with some perfect print hand writing. It made me think that I need to work on my printing. There are times I need to keep notes.

When I tried to write nicely in a meeting today, it was still atrocious.  I miss using my PDA for meetings. I need a laptop, just for taking notes in my fifteen minute daily stand up.

I've always had frightening handwriting. It is a matter of not learning in the first place and having poor eyesight. Poor eyesight leads to poor eye hand coordination in general. It is also lack of practice. When I do not need to write on paper, I don't  I far prefer typing. I can read what I write. It is many times faster. I feel more creative with typing apposed to writing. I do not have to think about typing to get it done.

My father has typewriter quality printing. I did not inherit that trait..

How important is it to have pretty or proper handwriting? I say as long as someone knows what I was trying to say, that is good enough. It is not like I'm trying to make a living handwriting crap. I write code for a living and that is bad enough. No handwriting there. Trouble is, no one can read my writing.

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