It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Very Local News

  • It took two weeks for the news of Lincoln's death to make it to Europe. Reuters (the man, not the service) beat his competition to the scoop by a week. He took a ship. Can you imagine any piece of news taking two weeks today? It is not news if it is twenty four hours old. It is history.
  • I buzzed my goatee. It was just too hot and got too much stuff stuck in it.
  • The MSM (Main Stream Media) is very busy complaining about telling stories about covering the war. I guess they ran out of bad news coming out of the war zones to cover.
  • Worldview podcast had some chick on today justifying the MSM bias that presents the Palestinians as the victims. She says something like "I wish we had more contextual information that told us why this conflict is still ongoing." I like that statement by itself. The trouble is, the reason is because one religion says to kill all the members of the other in it's holy book. It is not complex. This chick sounds good, but she is off by a mile. * At work, we have these doors in the hallway (for some fucking reason). It is an issue when people are headed both way through the door. They push open so it is easy from the not opening side to just bull-rush one's way through and knock any one headed the other way in the nose. I've gotten myself in to the habit of knocking just before I go through. Today someone pulled the door open from the other side just as I was about to knock and I nearly fell forward. It was just that disrupting to have the door pulled from in front of me as I was shifting my weight to both knock and push the door open.
  • The one thing so many people agree regarding the current financial situation in the world is that it is not over. More of the same. Invest in MREs, water purification, and shotguns. $90 a case? Are they mad?
  • Nat used iTunes to download one of her favorite TV shows. It is like $1.99 or something. Not too bad. All she has to do is ask me.
  • Elle is getting big. She is smart as a whip too.
  • McCain is countering Obama's trip by announcing his vice president candidate known. My God, they are just trickling bits one at a time. They deliberately drag things out and drive me nuts. Yes, they want to make my head explode. That is their ultimate goal.
  • We need to start thinking about Faire plans soon. I think I'll send round an email.

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