It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



We got a storm through here. We got hail and high winds. It was unnerving. The hail smacked the top of the roof. It sounded like someone dancing up there. Nat is going to look in to what exactly you have to do to tell if you have damage. The power went out a couple of times. Elle was a bit upset by the lights going out.

Work is nuts. I'll never get used to that. The stress made me want to vomit in a meeting today. Not sure I'm up for that kind of thing every frigging day. I'm a light weight when it comes to stress.

Home is less stressful than at some points in the past. That is a wonderful thing. it makes life worth living. Less stress at work probably wouldn't match that. If only I could hit that balance. If only I didn't suck at life.

The text to speech thing broke on the computer again. I'm really pissed at Fedora. I have just about had it. Ubuntu is looking better and better. I hear they keep the beta software to a minimum on releases. This is not a toy for me. I need it like most people need a functioning keyboard.

I'm not so tired tonight. These last couple of days I've have been absolutely drag-ass every night. Tonight is not so bad. I will reserver judgment on my over all condition for when I get up in the morning. That is the true test. Right now I feel pretty good.

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