It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Billy Connelly

A couple of years ago I blogged something about "was it so bad before you were born?" I was trying to use that statement to help people relax about the afterlife by asking them to remember the before life and assessing whether or not it was so bad. I watched a comedy routine from Billy Connelly recently where he used a very similar statement to say that he did not believe in Got. That stuck with me.

Let me reiterate that I believe in God. It is religions with which I have various problems.

Billy called the Catholic church a bunch of child molesters, or something like that. Do you know how many people are in the Catholic Church? A lot, at least. There are going to be some bad apples. The church can be blamed for mishandling the issues as they arose. Hopefully, that changes or the Catholic religion will have issues.

Not that the Catholic Church has a special place in my heart or anything. I think it is a fine religion. I like most religions. I wish they all had something different about them.  I wish most of them did not take themselves so seriously. That is a symptom of the people in the religion as much as the rules and basis of the religion.

Someone who reads this blog might think I have a problem with Islam. I do not. I have a problem with any one of any religion who wants to kill me for what I believe or lack there of. I have a great big huge problem with that. I find that offensive.

Anyway, Billy Connelly can bite my ass. I'll still laugh at his jokes.

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