It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



So, I've been walking around for days with broken glasses on. Most people didn't notice because the break was the little nose holders. The symptom was that my glasses sat right on my nose. This caused me to look down my nose at people a bit. It also caused me to lift my head way up at an angle to read things through the bifocals.

Nat ran me over to Wal-Mart a bit ago and the lady behind the vision center counter was a peach. She showed me new nose holder thingies and offered to put them on the glasses for me. It cost me $2 or so. Nat picked up a glasses cleaning kit. She wanted to get one for each of us, but it was a bit too much for our budget right now. What can you get for $2 these days? Apparently, five minutes of a lady's time who knows how to fix your glasses.

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