It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Good to know

US special forces snatch squads are on standby to seize or disable Pakistan's nuclear arsenal in the event of a collapse of government authority or the outbreak of civil war following the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.

The troops, augmented by volunteer scientists from America's Nuclear Emergency Search Team organization, are under orders to take control of an estimated 60 warheads dispersed around six to 10 high-security Pakistani military bases.


Some of the special forces are already believed to be in neighboring Afghanistan and on alert for the mission. It is also understood that satellite surveillance of Pakistan has been stepped up to keep track of the possible movement of nuclear weapons and missile delivery systems.


US diplomatic and military initiatives since 2001 have concentrated on trying to ensure that pro-western commanders were in charge at the most sensitive sites.

There has also been pressure to keep Pakistan's ISI intelligence agency, thought to contain a number of high-ranking pro-Taliban supporters, out of the nuclear loop.

I have to admit that I feel a bit better seeing this in print. Someone has a plan. This does not restore my faith in the U. S. government, but it is a start. Special forces can be collared by politicians. Remember the Carter Iran Hostage disaster.

What do I think is going to happen in Pakistan over the next couple of months? The same thing that has been happening in Pakistan for the last thousand years. People are going to hate each other because they like cracking eggs on opposite sides. The only thing they agree on is the destruction of Israel and all of western culture. The fact that one person died is not going to make much difference really. If there is a momentary flare of activity, it is but another spike in a long history of tremors.

Wait, this time the bad guys just might lay their hands on a little box that can cause the destruction of a city or a country. Do you suppose this spike will reverberate though the population of Islam and cause a rally? Will a tiny spark of hate ignite a world war? A war in a world with the destructive force of the sun at the push of a button. Will any nation not use their last resort when it comes to the last stand?

Who is the enemy? Who is trying to destroy us and our friend? When we are hit, who do we annihilate? This ware on terror bullshit isn't cutting it. How do you fight an idea? How do you fight a belief?

You fight a belief by out believing. There has been a war on believing in anything for the last fifty years in the West. I'm not just talking God. Children are taut to not believe in anything because they will all fail you at some point. You can't believe in a god because god's don't do anything for you. You can't believe in people because they will betray you. You can't believe in science because it is so often wrong and reversed. You can't believe in government because it is untrustworthy. You can't believe in yourself, because you are bound to fail at something eventually and thus betray yourself.

Then something comes along that the disbelievers can believe in. It has to be something that cannot be proven or disprovable. It has to be something confusing and hard to go and see or touch. Global Warming comes to mind. Global Warming requires a level of belief. Gore, the savior of Global Warming, has made a career of belief. He is an evangelist of the highest order.

I'm not sure this piece of questionable science, Global Warming, has found a following and not quantum. If there is any trinket of science that deserves faith and warship, it is quantum. You will believe in God after reading quantum theory or quantum mechanics. There is just no other answer for how much that stuff is so far from what we perceive as reality. Quantum doesn't puff from our tail pipes. It doesn't have a savior like Gore. It doesn't kill baby seals, fish, or glaciers.

What was I blogging about? <scrolls up> Oh, Pakistan. Ah, skip it.

Hat Tip: Jihad Watch  and  National Terror Alert

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