It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.



The frigging weather screwup said there was an 80% chance of rain this morning. I asked Nat for a ride the previous evening and set my alarm for 7:30. Normally i get up at 6:00 if I'm walking.

The alarm went off and the first thing I noticed was the crystal blue sky and zero clouds. Well, the sky had some of those wispy feathery things floating around. I jumped in the shower. I felt good. It was a good morning. When I walked out to the living room I kissed Nat. I walked back to Elle's room and got her up. I took her to the living room where, still asleep, she started wining, crawled behind a chair, curled up in a ball and tried to go back to sleep.

Long story short, Elle made the ride to my work in her night cloths. it was a beautiful morning. It wasn't even all that hot. The only thing that I was worried about was the wreck that the news said was on Walnut Bend. That is the street my work is on. By the time we got there, everything was all cleared up. I'm not sure how effective it is to have those traffic reports on TV, unless you have a TV in your car. that is a bad thing though.

Despite the late start, Nat still got me to work on time. She is a miracle worker.

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