It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


Anna Banana's matrimonial prerequisites

1. we have to buy a house
2. we both have to get fixed
3. he has to ask me.
4. he has to buy me a shiny ring.
Well, #3 actually comes first.  Well, technically #4 comes first, but I don't know about it until #3.

That's Anna.


AnnaBanana said...

I so don't see why that's blog-worthy.

Celtic Gypsy said...

We have an apartment. (However this is great for us, since neither of us are good at handyman stuff. Well, we just don't like having to do handyman stuff.)
I already have one daughter, and we plan to have (at least one) more.
I asked him and then he asked me.
I bought the ring...his taste and mine differ some.
I love him so much. I don't want to imagine life without him.
(I do think that you need to add one more to list...for your protection...he needs to be able to pay for the wedding and honeymoon and all other bills.)

AnnaBanana said...

I'm in a high rise, he's in a house on the ground with too few windows. He wants a yard, so I'll move down to the ground, but must have a pool and more windows.

Neither of us have or want kids. We both have dogs & that's more than enough.

I'll pay help pay other bills, and for the wedding, but I'm not paying for the ring. I did tell him I want a ring like the one Joe DiMiggiao gave to Marilyn Monroe. (Baguette Diamond Eternity Band in Platinum)

I'm financially stable (DEBT FREE!!) and think each of us needs to be financially independant and mutually solvent.
I've started putting $300 every two weeks into a savings account for wedding expenses.

I think this was blog-worthy to try and get people to read this blog.......