It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


West Texas
I have a buddy who recently went to some park in West Texas for a 3 day hike. No, I didn't go. He will not give me a written description of what happened, or I would quote him here. Check out the full list of pictures (Click on the image).

Sample hiking photo

Please take a look at the pictures and let me know what you think. I will probably strong arm my friend for something in writing to post here. From his verbal description it sounded like a challenging blast. Mostly he described the feel of being miles from anywhere in a place that took hours to drive to.
They hiked through a cloud where everything was so wet that it seemed to sweat right in front of your eyes.
They camped twice, having to bring everything they needed the whole time including water on their backs.
They saw plants that only exist on the mountain where they hiked.
I went hiking in West Texas many moons ago. It was a life altering experience. I have to say, I'll never do it again. I'm not sure I'm glad I did it. It's done. I survived. I am glad these guys went. Some of the guys on this trip go hiking all the time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Read Luke 1:37 for one reference. You are completely right when you say that nothing is impossible for God. Also I don't know why we go thorough the things we do but I do know I am glad I have the Lord or I wouldn't be able to do it. Guess you know who this one is from. Code word MOM