It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


The Giving Tree
This was one of the first poems that ever touched me. I remember a teacher's aid reading it to a few of us in the corner of the classroom while every one else played. I was very young. I remember the poem. I remember identifying with both the boy and the tree at the same time. I wonder some times if this was the first real abstract thought I found.
Be glad to give. You cannot take it with you. Everything you take came from some one or thing that gave it. This poem reminds me that all the things I buy, or find, or read all come from God ultimately. No one takes without some one or something giving.
An old story.
One day a scientist stands before God and says "God, we don't need you anymore. We have learned how to create men."
God answered "Let me see you create a man."
The scientist picked up a hand full of dust and just as  he was about to breath life into the  grains, God said "Stop! ... Get your own dust.":

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