It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


I forgot to mention something. It's been over a year since I started my blog. The first date in my history is 2003-03-09. Wow, A year. I spoke of my fears over both my jobs and why I started a blog in the first place. I noticed several misspelled words. I also noticed a choppy style. I still have the stile. Choppy, but effective.

Start a blog
I use, incase you've gone blind and can't see the adds all over the place, Blogger for my blog. They are OK. I've heard there are better services. I'm kind of glad I started using Blogger because that is how I got invited to Gmail. Anyway, I find myself typing away at my computer and just letting the thoughts flow from me. That is probably why they are all over the place. Writing in the blog helps me relax. I had a friend listen to me describe my experience and he told me that writing in my blog sounds like a hobby. I suppose it is the only thing I have consistently enjoyed doing on a daily basis for, ... well .... ever. I cannot remember the last time I did anything for a year. Soon my blog will have lasted longer than my marriage did. I have to tell you, I like my blog more than I liked my marriage, but that is another entry.
Cynthia loves having a map-pin-thing to tell where people are snooping from. She also start the comments trend that I picked up on. She pays attention to the number and origin of people who visit her site. I can't stand thinking that no one is reading my blog. I do it because I enjoy it. However, I'm afraid I might loose interest if I actually know how many/few people are reading.

CNN had a cute picture (see Cynthia's blog(she beat me to publishing it)) that poked fun at how high gas prices are. That story just quoted people bitching about the prices. I'm interested in what people will do in the voting booth this Fall. We Americans love blaming some one. We love smacking around a scapegoat instead of fixing the trouble.
At my day job, we work with Europeans on a daily basis. They laugh at $2.50 a gallon. They routinely pay $4.50 (adjusted from liter and converted to dollars) per gallon. They say it is about time the U. S. government stopped subsidizing gas, even if they don't call it a subsidy. Europe has been paying the real cost of petrol for years. I don't want to go into Japan.
I'm glad I don't drive. I ride the bus, and I'm afraid they will raise the price of a bus trip from $1 to whatever. I suppose it isn't that big of a deal. It is still far cheaper than a car.

Dark Energy, BAH!!!
This article talks about dark energy. Now, it is dark energy. First it was the big bang. Then came string theory. Then came dark matter. Now, they resort to dark energy. They call it dark energy because we can't see its affects on other stuff. They can't get today's theory to work, so they make up another one. I suppose that is how science works. I lay my money on the properties of gravity are just plane not known. At some point gravity repels to balance the attraction up close. All human observations have been from, or near, Earth and the Sun. We don't have any data on what happens farther away from the Sun. What is next? They will blame glowing star elves before they stumble over the truth. The truth is, it is something we haven't even noticed yet. Think back to the days of yore where people thought there was a God for every occasion. I feel like I'm in the dark ages.

it is the last episode of Angel tonight. I miss Buffy. I miss Farscape. I miss Futurama. I will not miss Friends. I don't miss MASH. I don't know how I'll feel when they eventually cancel the Simpsons.
Geeze. That was lame. They have had better thanksgiving episodes.

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