It wasn't me. You can't prove anything.


(Thursday 2003-04-24) School and work
There are a couple of people at my work who go to school and work full time. I tried it briefly a couple of years ago, but it don't work out for me. I had a terrible time dealing with the stress. Now with the new company, the fear of succumbing to the frustrations returns. I plan on doing a better job of stress management this time. I have a much higher regard for the working student these days.

(Thursday 2003-04-24) Coffee
Lately I've noticed Dilbert and Userfriendly are both on a coffee kick. They have slightly different bends on the topic. Userfriendly makes fun of geeks who like strong coffee. Dilbert is cutting one of it's employees down to forty cups a day. He is in rehab. It;s like they have a camera in our office.
The company I work for has cut back on the "free" part of free coffee. The department pays for everything and people are basically on their own for sugar and cream. Thank goodness some one brought a scoop from home. For the longest time it was pot luck on the density of the brew in the decanter. I'm hopelessly addicted to caffeine. I saw the molecule for chocolate and caffeine. They are half an atom off. They are nearly identical. It's scary.

(Thursday 2003-04-24) Social Paranoia
I'm paranoid. When people say stuff I jump and wander what their motivation is. There just is no reason for it. I need to take a new attitude. If they don't tell me to my face then screw 'em. That one should get me down the road.

(Thursday 2003-04-24) Canceled meeting
I get to go to TV Night after all. It is a good thong that the president of the new company is family bound. They have birthing class over the next five weeks.

The Perfect Cubicle
Dilbert had a link to a place that had a rased floor lego type cubicle. I need to track it down.

(Saturday 2002-04-26) Gravity
I'm fascinated with what gravity is. Did you know science has no idea. All the rules and calculations that talk about gravity are based purely on observation. Several years ago I started keeping my ears open for useful information about gravity. I am very interested in the theories out there. I haven't found anything that explains more than simple observations. It is going to take a visionary to brake the gravity time space matter matrix.
First comes density. I believe that sometimes space is more “dense” than others. When matter disturbs space by being there, the space being pushed out of the way by the matter (both at the atomic level and at the planetary level) causes a situation where space closer to the mass is more dense. It may be just that time plays tricks at the junction of space and matter. Either way the observations are about the same. Basically, matter pushes space against itself creating the density. When two bodies exist in space they are attracted to each other. Space attempts to flow to the less dense or more stable space farther from the matter. There is no friction caused by the changing of space, so we don't experience energy (like heat or electricity or anything), though time may be a byproduct somehow. As these two bodies exist a distance away from each other, the space between them is slightly more dense (being pushed away from each body). The space wants to move to the more stable less dense area further away from the bodies. The space between the two bodies moves out of the way. The two bodies appear to move closer to each other when really, the space between just gets out of the way.
In the case of an orbit, one body travels around the other. The side of the satellite object (the side closest to the planet) is traveling through the same amount of space as the outside even though the formula of a circle tells us it travels through slightly more space. This deference is due to the density of space closer to the planet is higher. On a whole the satellite might be several meters across, each atom of the satellite has it's own amount of space to go through. The amount of time that each atom achieves an orbit is the same. Or in the case of a tumbling out of control satellite, the atoms spend half their time on the inside and half on the outside. When two bodies pop into existence they are attracted to each other without beginning inertia. This is because the space wants to get out of the way.
That's it. Many years of thought in a nutshell. Please let me know what holes I cannot explain away with this theory. By the way, I got the idea from an episode of Star Trek Voyager where they went into a fluid universe. I thought “The friction and pressure would tear them to pieces”. Then I thought “if there were no friction or pressure as we know it, they would be fine”. And the wheels began turning from there.

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